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Featured Comics: Ramayan 3392 AD Reloaded

When I was a boy, my father used to tell me the Great Epic of Ramayana to lull me down to sleep. Now, 20 years later, having my friend discovered these great comic series is a great nostalgia. Click The Picture above to bring you the the whole series (ongoing).


Lord Havok and The Extremists (5 of 6)

As Monarch turns his multiversal army's attention to Lord Havok's outer defenses, what type of stand will the Extremist make in order to save his world? Meanwhile, Havok may soon face mutiny as Dr. Diehard, Tracer and Dreamslayer start making plans to oppose their Extremist leader! Plus, the origin of Dr. Diehard! Takes place around Countdown #29-27 (As cited in

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MUSIC and MOVIE NEWS July 25, 2009 at 12:09 PM  

love all the work you do and have a nice weekend

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