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Featured Comics: Ramayan 3392 AD Reloaded

When I was a boy, my father used to tell me the Great Epic of Ramayana to lull me down to sleep. Now, 20 years later, having my friend discovered these great comic series is a great nostalgia. Click The Picture above to bring you the the whole series (ongoing).


The Darkness - Batman

When Don Franchetti decides to expand his horizons he turns his eyes towards Gotham City. While there, Jackie comes face to face with Gotham's Dark Knight: the Batman. In a brutal confrontation "the Bat" is able to get underneath Jackie's armor and show him that, although his soul may be tainted by darkness, he may yet seek redemption for his past. After his confrontation, Jackie decides to turn states evidence which leads to the arrest of his adoptive father; Don Franchetti. (

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